
时间:2020-06-05 19:40:34分类:音乐学院浏览:11



  The Conservatory of Music at Chongqing Normal University, which was formerly knownas theDepartment of Music, established in 2001. In 2004 its name was changed and theChongqing Municipal Education Commission established Chongqing Conservatory of Music. For a longtime,theConservatory of Music aimed at training music education teachers and inter-disciplinary music performers.TheConservatory of Music has insisted onthe principle of building the conservatory by teaching, consolidating the conservatory by disciplines, managing the conservatory by institution and revitalizing the conservatory by harmony.With these principles, the school scale and the group of teachershavecontinuedto expand,while thepersonnel quality and discipline levelhascontinuedto improve.



  School Scale

  The Conservatory of Music currently consists of 95staff and1000 graduates and under-graduates. At present, this conservatory providesmusicology, dance , music performances and dance performances at the undergraduate level, music study, dance study, musicperformancesand danceperformancesat bachelor’s degree level and curriculum and teaching (Music Education) at the Master’s Degree level. Currently, the Conservatory of Music is with the Department of Music, Department of Music Performance and seven teaching and research sections, covering vocal music, piano, music theory, instruments, dance, music teaching skill, and pop music. The Conservatory of Music is also recognized as the MOE’s training center for art teachers and Chongqing training center for art teachers, which has trained nearly 1200 on-job music teachers.



  The Group of Teachers

  The Conservatory of Music has a reasonably structured, active thinking and industrious team of teachers. Among all the staff, 12are Professors, 16 are visiting Professors, 17 have received PHD. They are all graduates from professional music academies, such as China Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music,UkraineTchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, and Russian Conservatory of Music. The current dean is Miss Zhang Lihui who is also the President of Chongqing Music Association and the winner of China Plum Blossom Award. This conservatory also invited nationally renowned music scholars like Jin Tielin, Wang Bingrui, Bian Zhushan and Xu Zhijun as guest professors.



  Teaching & Researching

  TheConservatory of Music adheres to teaching as the center of all workandadopts the two-way selection system. This conservatory is the MOE reform pilot for music education,and hasundertaken multiple provincial level research projects and published 223 academic articles. This conservatory was alsoawardedthe Gold Awardof theCCTV Youth Song Competition, the 24thChina PlumBlossomAward,Five project prize,Star Award, and so on.



  Art Practice

  TheConservatory of Music hasalwaysput special emphasis on students’and teachers’art practice. Art groups like Chorus,SymphonyOrchestraand Dance Society have been established. Students’art practice haslead to notableachievements. In 2009,theStudents’Chorus was awarded the ExcellenceofGolden Bell Award.In 2012 won the nationalvocal competition three prize of singing group.



  International Cooperation & Exchange

  The Conservatory of Music has undertaken extensive international cooperation. It has established close cooperative relationships with Perugia Conservatory of Music, St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music andUkraineTchaikovsky Conservatory of Music. In the last 5 years, this conservatory sent 45 musicians overseas for exchange visits, cooperative research and further study. At present, all the staff of Conservatory of Musicisworking to make this school into a senior music academy with greatinfluencewithin west China and the whole nation.







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